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The Curse of the Black Priestess

The Curse of the Black Priestess



The Curse of the Black Priestess

The land of Kayawar has long been ruled by the curse of the black priestess. Ever since a severe storm swept across the country, the air has been polluted, the earth devastated and the plants withered. The sun no longer shines and the settlers are just ghosts. Help our heroes Hakim and Elias free the country from the black curse and bring back sun and joie de vivre to the once beautiful land. I've never been so captivated by a map as this one... for many weeks I couldn't wait to continue working on it. Even after about 50 test runs, it still leaves me in a good mood every time... now I hope you will too. I really appreciate your feedback and ratings... but you know that. And now: Experience the wondrous transformation of the land of Kayawar and have fun playing. Your Barbara

Tipps für Spieler

Hints? There are plenty of them during the game...reading them carefully and taking save tips seriously helps immensely.

Danke an

A big thank to my excellent testers educatrix and Hermine65, who tirelessly put each new version through its paces. And also thanks to my other testers udi53, Gitti1962, Dragon, Indy and Mammut. All together I owe a number of improvements compared to the first map version ... The map offers (thanks to the NEP expansion pack) changed ascension conditions and a whole new great concept in dealing with interactive objects (by totalwarAngel). I have UncleSam to thank for 2 super tips for solving major problems in the early stages, so I could almost thank our entire team... guys you are awesome!!

S6/RdO - Reich des Ostens
Single Player
2,93 MB

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